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Posted By admin on 12/31/12 - Bookmark Teen Schoolgirls


The original teen schoolgirl online was, and still is, Little April. She began wowing fans of barely legal porn back in early 2004. Her site was a first of its kind. Before her most teenage porn was shot using models that were in their twenties. She was a real plucked from high school teenager. There was a lot of controversy in using her for porn as it would take another four months for her to graduate high school!

The pressure was immense. April ended up switching to home study. She completed her diploma and entered college with plenty of money to pay her own tuition. The world was just going to have to get used to girls using their good looks to their advantage.


April decided to attend college in Las Vegas. What better place could there be for a girl making use of her sexuality? Most of her classmates and professors took notice of her. They didn’t know she was Little April yet. They just liked seeing a perky boobs freshman with braces. As word spread of who she was her college life went into turmoil.

Ultimately April decided school wasn’t right for her. She decided to do her web site fulltime and make a go at being the world’s most popular Internet model.


Soon LittleApril.com went from being a small side project to being a major Internet phenomenon. More sites like Little Summer and Little Lupe were added. Over time a network of over 30 solo model sites took over the web. Barely legal solo models were here to stay.

Now you can enjoy April and all of the sites she spawned with a Premium GFs. One little password gives you access to the largest cache of barely legal porn ever amassed. Get your pass and liberate yourself for fake teen porn today!

Blogged Under: Little April,Schoolgirls
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Posted By admin on 12/20/12 - Bookmark Teen Schoolgirls


This sinfully cute redhead schoolgirl is Elle Richie. She attends the Only Tease school of making your cock pop. Her major is in making your balls so clue you can’t help but relieve yourself of about 30,000,000 sperm to make room for all of the new ones lining up to one day impregnate her.

Girls like Elle act all coy and naive about the effect they have on boys at school, but we all know full well these kinds of girls are smart enough to know boys can’t resist peeking at their brightly colored panties. When a boy in front of Elle drops his pencil on the floor she instinctively opens up her legs ever so slightly to give him that peek he craves.


While the school has rules about the length of a girls skirt Elle always breaks them. She starts out with her skirt only inches over her knee, but as the day goes on she hikes it up here and there until her ass is showing when she bends over even the slightest bit.


Her teachers get more than a peek from there perch at the front of the room. It is out of her respect for their tenure and authority that she lets them see a lot more than she lets the boys in her class see. Once she even removed her panties at the break so she could give her teacher a special birthday beaver flash!


For now you are going to have to make do with a booby flashing. Look at how cold her nipples are! Maybe you can be a good gentleman and warm them up for her?

See the entire set complete with what her teacher saw on his birthday at OnlyTease.com. Don’t let the name fool you though. These girls do a lot more than just tease!

Blogged Under: Only Tease
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Posted By admin on 12/20/12 - Bookmark Teen Schoolgirls


The old adage says that practice makes perfect. This naughty redheaded schoolgirl is hoping that is true. She wants to give her teacher the best blowjob he has ever received. She knows she is up against some stiff competition since some of the girls on the cheerleading squad had been flirting with him too.

So this cute little schoolgirl got a big idea. How about making a sexy video of herself blowing her vibrator so her teacher would know she wasn’t all talk. She figured that once he saw the video he would make a date for them to go out complete with a stop at a saucy hotel room where you pay by the hour.

What she didn’t realize is that she left the video on her brother’s camera and he that he would think it was the funniest thing in the world to send it to her friends at school!

Get this Emo video and plenty more Emo girl porn from Emo Girls Porn. There are plenty of Emo schoolgirls to keep you coming back and there are no restrictions of the number of videos you can watch. It is entirely possible that you might find a girl you go to school with!

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