When it comes to online adult entertainment you really have to zero in on revenue model. If you are thinking of getting into any kind of online adult entertainment business you have to zero in on your revenue model. If you consider this factor of your business as an afterthought, chances are you will end up bankrupt. If you think that this is just an empty detail or just something that you will handle when you get to it, chances are you will run out of money.
You have to remember putting up a dating site is serious business, just look at LuckFuck.com. It takes money to recruit models. It takes money to set up the equipment. It takes money to coordinate with different countries. This is serious business. It may seem like a lot of fun but it’s serious business. This is why you have to wrap your mind around finding the best revenue model for your particular implementation of this business model. Otherwise, it’s very easy for you to lose a lot of money until you eventually go belly up. Your costs can skyrocket very quickly unless you put into motion effective means to control them.`
I wish I could tell you that there is one best solution as far as revenue models go. However this is not the case. If you want a realistic answer the best answer I can give you is you need to look at your particular set of circumstances. Of course this means the legal situation, your initial capital and your promotional model. Putting all these different elements together, the answer to the best revenue model should easily become apparent. Focus on your specific situation.